Mine Quotes

~\1 little mess up and it feels as if everything else is wrong./~


sloan malone / HeBeJebe / mrs imran / sloantastic / heebeebee

iqrah is the best


with no spaces in between, no room for any
Call me crazy. Call the universe cruel.
Call my mother on the phone, with
an apology she’ll never believe. Call
me soulmate, I never believed in them
anyway. Call to ask how I’m doing.
Call for all of your kitchen dances
and hazey car kisses back. Call
my name in your sleep, call it when
you unravel.

You ask my why all of my writing sounds
sad, but you don't understand the way it
manifests. The way my words are strung
fairy lights, in an empty house at
midnight, trying to make all of the dark
edges beautiful again.
I've been thinking about your kiss pressed
to the flat of my shoulder blade at 3 a.m.,
and what forever feels like, and what the
difference is between the two. I remember
standing in the snow, both of your
hands encasing mine, with all of our
promises in our palms. They were precious,
and sparkling, and we kept them warm.
I want to worry about white bedsheets,
and burning dinner, but I don't know how
to do that when I'm worrying about getting
through each night. I still have the picture
from the night you tried to save me.
I'm sorry, it didn't work.
I'm sorry I can't get out of bed today.
All of this baggage cripples me like a demon
on my back. I thought leaving would
make things easier to bear, but I've never
heard of someone choking on panic
over the feathers they carry in their pockets.
I keep with me all of the hatchets that
were ever buried into my skin while I
stood helpless, though none of them
will ever be evidence for the murder
of the girl I once was--I keep them for
the feel of blood on my fingers.
It reminds me of home.

i go crazy 'cause here 
isn't where i wanna be

Most Guys Don't Realize,

She tells you she's okay ; but its not really true. You're stupid to believe it ; she lied to you.
She's really hurt ; her hearts going insane. You're very clueless ; You're the one causing her pain.
Instead of being her umbrella ; your the pouring rain, You're the slitting cut ; close to her viens.
You have another girl ; right after your break up. You dont even worry about her ; you ruin her make up.
You called her a b.tch ; she has no leash. You called her annoying ; you compared her to fleas.
She's like a mirror thats broken ; she soaks her pillow when she cries. She finally stops crying ; she's drained out.
Her heart keeps beating ; it hasnt powered out. You're h0e breaks up with you ; you try getting back with your ex.
She's over it ; she moved on to the next. She still loves you ; but she dont wanna get hurt.
She needs to feel loved ; not her heart feeling the burn. Cant go back and forth ; Stop hurting innocent hearts.
You strike at their heart ; as if you were a dart.

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