Myquote Quotes

I think the key in life is to always respect everyone but to never be afraid to ask for what you want. Hypocritical? Yes. Paradoxical? Yes.
format-br0kenwings LEAVE THIS HERE PLEASE.

Us?  We're just dead end. 
         but this is a road I'll never forget.        



Oh, look, your scars look like mine.


And they'll ask "Is he the one?"
and, he should be,
and, he isn't.


I took all of the blood you left behind
in the wake of your massacre
and made stains across the canvas
in patterns that echoed you.
At least some beauty came from your chaos.


My definitions on happiness are a bit shaky.

I can't tell whether it was his smirk and dumb jokes in the middle of the night.
Competitions, eye contact, fingers brushing, eye rolls, half-hearted smiles,
trophies, yelling at the tv, and blue irises.

Or if it's your smile and your eyes lit up from across the table.
Chairs, and pillows, stories and dreams, hopes, nose taps, sunlight,
sitting in an empty room with pages of feelings, random texts, and eyes
the color of the grass through each season.

I can't tell if it's tears over each other, or tears with each other.

Maybe it's letting go of people who don't want to stay,
and fighting for people who do, and being okay with it all.


There all these broken things rattling around in my chest
but you tell me I'm music in a dead world.


When I saw you cry, something in me broke
and it felt like all of my broken pieces
were trying to fit all of your broken pieces.
So maybe we won't crumble altogether.



If I described our relationship in short,
I would only need one sentence.
I'd ask "Have you ever seen a slow heartbeat flatline?"


Hearts are suppose to be red,
but mine is a miserable array
of bruises.
Don't kick my heart
and try to fix it with bandaids.

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