Onedirection Quotes

                                                      Running after you
                                                     is like chasing clouds

        with your
                                                                           N O B O D Y

If I didn't have you
there would be nothing left
The shell of a man ->
who could never be his best.
If I didn't have you, I'd never see the sun.
You taught me how to be someone.


I love when people find out that I like One Direction and the first question they ask is "did you cry when that one boy left?" or "are you sad they broke up?" Are you serious? Why don't you ask me about what my favorite song is, who's my favorite, why I ship larry together, how long I've been in the fandom, how I found out about them, my reaction when I got to the concert and they came on stage. Ask me real questions not these stupid questions that make me cry. 

How many nights does it take to count the stars?
That's the time it would take to fix my heart
One Direction Update
9/23/15 11:45 PM EDT
Hey guys! It has been an exciting couple of days! As you know, yesterday the boys performed at the Apple Music Festival! They announced and released their newest single and it's called Infinity! They also announced that the 5th album is going to be called Born In The AM! It will be out on November 13th! So only about 6 weeks! You can buy Infinity now on iTunes and the whole album is available for pre-order! So if you haven't yet, go an get it and help the boys get up on those charts! 

Today wasn't really an exciting day the boys had it off before the hectic tour schedule starts again tomorrow! Louis met a footballer he likes and Harry was at the Hampstead School Of Art! 

Tomorrow's Tour Info: The boys have their first of SIX shows in London at the O2 Arena! 

This Day In 1D History:

Rumors: None

Links: Louis today:
Harry today at the art school:
If you missed it, this is the boys' full performance yesterday at Apple:
One Direction Update

9/21/15 11:45 PM EDT
Hey everyone! Today the boys had another day off and they are now all in London. None of them did much except for Harry. He has been attending London Fashion Week!

This Day In 1D History:

Tomorrow the boys will be performing at the Apple Festival in London! In order to watch you have to either go through iTunes on your computer or you can use Apple TV. If you don't have either of those options or are busy, I'm sure it will be put on Youtube and I'll have that link tomorrow!

Rumors: None

Links: Niall with a fan toady:
Harry leaving the LFW after party today:
One Direction Update

9/18/15 11:30 PM EDT
Hey everyone! And happy Friday! 3/4 of the boys are in London. And all 3 of the ones in London weren't really seen today. Niall was golfing yesterday with Willie and Marvin Humes. Louis and Liam had met fans. Harry is still in LA and was at Kevin Hart's show today!

This Day In 1D History:

Rumors: None

Links: Niall golfing yesterday:
Harry and a fan today:
One Direction Update
9/16/15 11:30 PM EDT
Hey everyone! Still not much to talk about today. Liam and Niall are now back in London! They landed this morning and met some fans. Louis and Harry weren't seen so I'm not too sure where they are at the moment!

This Day In 1D History:

Rumors: None

Links: Liam at the airport today:
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