Physical book or e-book?
Audio or book in hand?
Book in hand
Paperback or hardcover?
Hardcovers, I like using the sleeves as mini posters for my
Adult or Young Adult?
Series or standalone?
Series gives answers instead of unanswerable questions
Dog ears or bookmarks?
Dog Ear
Breaking the spine or barely opening the book?
I open it enough to read comfatably and not damage the
Borrow or buy?
Bookstore or online?
Fiction or non-fiction?
Fiction hands down
Fantasy world or real life issues?
Both, there's something comforting about Mermaids having
bad hair days. Even Heroes have the right to bleed.
Kindle, iPad, or other?
Monster read or short & sweet?
Starry-eyed romance or full of action?
Romance ♥
Curl up in a Snuggie or bathe in the sun?
Curled up in a blanket, I get to hot outside
Read the review or decide for yourself?
I like to decide for myself
Zombies or unicorns?
Jalex ;)