Recovery Quotes

there's this heavy feeling in my stomach.
i feel full and sluggish
but i feel like i did something good.
like i'm taking care of myself again.
Diseases have names.  Cures are anonymous.
you tried to talk about it
once, afterwards.
you named it
and laid down until it was over.
you named it
and you watched people
walk away from you.
you named it
and felt ashamed.

you still said its name.

— t.m.


plot twist: i actually get better. maybe someday.
Get Help is an independent, mission-centric organization, committed to elevating the treatment industry through the democratization of trustworthy and objective information about treatment facilities and the integrity with which they operate.
celebrating little things as they come because a cumulative celebration is never big enough
I never realised how depressing my old posts were... I was only 13 then

I assure you, I am not put together at all. Nor am I broken. I am recovering – finding the beautiful in the ugly and stitching it into my life.


concept: my hands, not shaking, my heart and thoughts not racing. the sun warming my skin, flowers in my hair, and me, falling in love with life.

concept: me, happy.

                                                         — (ds)



i didn't


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