Relationships Quotes

I wait for you pop online or for a reply 
I genuinely love getting a response. 
it hurts me that I'm always initating contact 
(I'll get interrupted  by him when he says he does all the calling but he also forgot how he told me he hates when I call him) 
I feel like I'm always waiting for a message. 
The truth is i feel like I'm just an option for you. 
there's no effort from you in this relationships anymore. 
your priorities are quite obvious and I know things have changed.  
it feels like you don't care about us anymore?  
(interrupted  by saying how i don't care and it's my own fault for not communcating with him)
I understand that people find more interesting things to do. 
Please don't make me feel like a clown. 
Can you be honest with me?
When you asked me if i was happy in this relationship and i said yes without a second thought. 
were you looking for an out?   
just tell me and i won't bother you again.  
(he'll go on sayinng how i said i was happy and fine and this is stupid and me feeling lonely and wanting him to do so much is not possible)
i'll sit and listen to him scold me on how wrong i am for feeling this way. 
when he could easily just  say yes. 

I wish he'd take a chance to see it from my point of view
even just once. 
because i think im finally at my last thread. . .

who are you kidding, you know you will let him
step on you over and over again. 
because the idea of letting that thread go 
hurts you more then anything else he could say. 

years ago I made a quote
about a boy who smiles for free 

I realized I'm the one who smiles for free 
that boy never really smiled  
it was me. 
why do I smile?
becuase you told me it's perfect
but you didn't really.  
I just want someone to say it. 
I want the person I love 
to write words that make me 
stop posting sad things on witty.  
I now know what it feels like to recieve the bare minimum 
when he says I love you  because he has to. 
Everytime I express myself 
I am gaslighting 
I am crazy
I am dramatic
The worst part is I started to believe him. 
because I'm dating a Narcissist
I don't even know what love feels like anymore. 
Every bra is a sports bra - the only difference is the sport.
If you can’t handle me at my worst, you don’t deserve me at my second worst.
‘Safeword’ is a contradiction in terms.
When you asked me if I would rather make love with you or eat pizza, and I asked if it was extra pepperoni, I meant the lovemaking.
Better a femme fatale than a femme coupure de papier.
I knew in the end she would do what she had to do. 

... I just never thought it would be my end she did it in. 
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