Requests Quotes

Did you know that Jericho, located in the Levant - Middle East - Palestine is the oldest city in history?
إن كنت تريد أن تعلم ما إذا كنت أحبك أو لا، لا تسألني لأنه ليس لدي جواب، اسأل قلبي

If you want to know if I love you or not, do not ask me because I have no answer . Ask my heart
عَيْناكَ قاتِلَتان إنَّها تَعْرِفُ كَيْفَ تَصيدُ القلوبَ بِسَهْمٍ واحِدٍ وَ لِأوَّلِ مَرَّةو إنِّي لَأظُنُّ أنَّ الحبَّ شَرُّ مُعَذِّب ⚪⚫🔴🔵⚪⚫🔴🔵⚪⚫🔴🔵 Your eyes are killers .Your eyes know how to hunt hearts with one arrow for the first time💘 and I suppose that love is a tormented evil
I am not a demon nor an angel
I am human
I own many enemies and I am the first enemy of myself
My heart needs a babysitter for it to prevent it from the cruelty of the world
But 😕
I will not allow him to become much good
Why Arabs marks in the English language higher than the Arabic language!?🤔🤔🤔
Stay still. Let's not make promises, we don't know what will happen tomorrow. Let's not fight either. I think you like how things are now, so I want to protect it. Let's not make promises. Let's not fall deeper. When you share that smile and say those words...I want to believe you. Still, we don't know what will happen tomorrow. In this blissful stage when everything we do can be viewed as endearing. Let's stay here, remain just like this. So that you can accept my clumsy heart. So that you are not disappointed. For my sake, let's just stay like this.


    i'm 18!    March 7.
Writing this on 4/14/20 late af lol

It wasn't easy getting to where i am now, i will admit. I'm definitely happier than i have been in years.

🎔 ⁀⋱‿WIGBM ‿⋰⁀ 🎔
I'm currently 1 year, 6 months and 25+ days clean. My biggest accomplishment.
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A quote i've been going by for a while now is, "Remember and appreciate the small, good things in life. You'll smile more."
‿⋰⁀ 🎔
Something I think I really want to say is, "K, I miss you. It'll be our 2 years anniversary on the 30th of this month, April. It's been a year, 3 months, and 23+ days since we lost connection. Please. Come back. I doubt you'll ever see this, but i just need to know you're okay. I miss you. More than anything and anybody. I told you you're irreplaceable. Hell, I wont even use your heart on anybody else. I miss you. I love you. Always and literally forever. I promised, and this is a promise i can't break because I emotionally will never get over you. You've been my best friend forever. I miss you. Come back. Please. Come back for me...
‿⋰⁀ 🎔
I wanted to thank everyone especially. This is my therapy when I couldnt talk to anyone. This was my diary, even though its all online and for the world to see. I'll still come by time to time.
I'm almost done with high-school and things are just weird, but we're getting to our goals.

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In, other words...
I'm proud of myself.
🎔 ⁀⋱‿WIGBM ‿⋰⁀ 🎔

i was told onece at my friends funeral to throw myself on her cofin and yell WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

I decide that
I want you to be happy with whatever you do
And wherever you are, I'll be thinking of you


\ ˈmachəˌtīn \
of a star: just before the dawn

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