March 7.
Writing this on 4/14/20 late af lol
wasn't easy getting to where i am now, i will admit. I'm
definitely happier than i have been in years.
🎔 ⁀⋱‿WIGBM ‿⋰⁀
currently 1 year, 6 months and 25+ days clean. My biggest
A quote
i've been going by for a while now is, "Remember and
appreciate the small, good things in life. You'll smile
Something I
think I really want to say is, "K, I miss you. It'll be
our 2 years anniversary on the 30th of this month, April.
It's been a year, 3 months, and 23+ days since we lost
connection. Please. Come back. I doubt you'll ever see this,
but i just need to know you're okay. I miss you. More than
anything and anybody. I told you you're irreplaceable. Hell,
I wont even use your heart on anybody else. I miss you. I love
you. Always and literally forever. I promised, and this is a
promise i can't break because I emotionally will never get
over you. You've been my best friend forever. I miss you.
Come back. Please. Come back for me...
wanted to thank everyone especially. This is my therapy when I
couldnt talk to anyone. This was my diary, even though its all
online and for the world to see. I'll still come by time to
I'm almost done with high-school and things are just weird,
but we're getting to our goals.
In, other
proud of myself.