Survey Quotes

Homos*xuality is a psychological or hormonal disease and is not a personal choice or a natural thing. A negative charge cannot meet with a negative or positive with a positive. These must be helped because they are victims of the devil and themselves and victims of lack of knowledge. They must be helped to become healthy and not encouraged into this mental illness. We have reached the point where the term Gender is being used instead of S*x.
It's in the grace of our fall, the courage in our landing, and the wisdom in our surrender, that we learn to fly again. Author Ahmed Protais
We are the missed chances that won't be repeated again
The first flight of D. Ahmed Protais were 2012 in Singapore. On behalf of World Global Mobile Network Company.
Keep optimistic. Stay away from the naysayers and surround your self with individuals who assistance as well as uplift you.
Did you know that whoever discovered nanotechnology is an Arab from northern Palestine, where he obtained a patent, he obtained this invention or exploration in America?
Did you know that the first one who invented a robot is an Arab Muslim scientist from Syria in the eleventh century?
⏺Losing does not mean defeat, but rather a new beginning
اسْتَمِعْ لِقَلْبِكَ وَ لا تَتَجاهلْهُ أبَداًلا تُنْكِر أنَّهُ آمَنَ بِوُجودِ خالقٍ أو أَنّّهُ أَحَبَّ فُلاناًتَذَكَّرْ عَدَمَ تَجاهُلِ قَلبك
👉You are the master of yourself, do not accept
injustice and preserve your dignity👈
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