Surveys Quotes

Cross Off the Things You Have Done
Graduated high school
Kissed Someone
Smoked a cigarette
Got so drunk you passed out
Rode in a police CAR for something you didn't do

Rode every ride at an amusement park
Collected something really stupid
Gone to a rock concert
Helped someone
Gone fishing

Watched four movies in one night
Gone long periods of time without sleep
Lied to someone

Snorted cocaine
Failed a class

Dealt drugs
Been in a car accident
Been in a tornado
Done hard drugs
Watched someone die

Been at a funeral
Burned yourself

Ran a marathon
Cried yourself to sleep
Spent over $200 in one day (Maybe? I don't even know...)

Flown on a plane
Cheated on someone
Been cheated on
Written a 10 page letter
Gone skiing

Been sailing
Cut yourself on accident
Had a best friend
Lost someone you loved

Shoplifted something

Been to jail
Dangerously close to being in jail
Skipped school
Skipped class
Had detention

Got in trouble for something you didn't do
Stolen books from the library
Gone to a different country
Dropped out of school
Been in a mental hospital

Been treated in a mental hospital
Watched the “Harry Potter” movies
Had an online diary
Fired a gun
Had a yard sale

Had a lemonade stand
Actually made money at a lemonade stand
Been in a school play

Been fired from a job
Taken a lie detector test

Swam with dolphins
Gone to sea world
Voted for someone on a reality TV show

Written poetry
Read more than 20 books a
Written a 30 page essay
Gone to Europe
Loved someone you shouldn't have
Befriended someone you shouldn't have
Used a coloring book over age 12

Had surgery
Had stitches

Taken a taxi
Seen the Washington Monument
Had more than 5 IM’s/online conversations going at once

Had a drug or alcohol problem
Relative to someone who had a serious alcohol/drug problem
Been in a fist fight
Suffered any form of abuse

Gone surfing in California
Had a hamster
Pet a wild animal
Used a credit card
Did “spirit day” at school

Dyed your hair
Got a tattoo
Had something peirced
Got straight A's
Been on the honor roll

Known someone with HIV or AIDS

The Basics:

Name: Hope
Nick Name: tomo
Age: 17
Birthday: March 12th
Birthplace: Bristol
Current Location: London...or my bedroom i guess...
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5'7
Weight: like 125/130ish
Lefty or Righty: righty
Zodiac Sign: pisces
Drive: almost lol
Color: purple
Number: 15
Band: ugh
Music: whatever really
TV Show: lol like anything on netflix
Movie: love actually
Actor: zac efron
Actress: jennifer lawrence
Kind Of Movie: romcoms
Cartoon: fairly odd parents
Sport: foooottttyyyyyy
Fast Food: mAcdonalds
Food: lasagna
Ice Cream: mint
Cereal: cheerios
Candy: mnms
Drink: water
Alcohol: lol dad are you watching
Quote: in the world through which i travel, i am endlessly creating myself

Do You:

Have Any Siblings: an older brother
Have Any Pets: 2 dogs
Have A Job: hostess
Have A Cell Phone: Yep
Have Any Fears: no
Have A Bedtime: no
Sing In The Shower: sometimes
Want To Go To College: yeah
Get Along With Your Parents: Yes
Have Any Tattoos: no
Swear: Yea
Smoke: No
Drink: sometimes
Do Drugs: No


Ever Been In Love: currently
Cheated: no
Single: no
In A Relationship: yes
Have A Crush On Someone: yes
Been Dumped: yes
Dumped Someone: yes

This Or That:

Fruit Or Veggies: Fruit
Black Or White: white
Lights On Or Off: off
TV Or Movie: tv
Cash Or Check: Cash
Rock Or Rap: Rap
Chocolate Or Vanilla: chocolate
French Toast Or French Fries: French fries
Strawberries Or Blueberries: Strawberries
Cookies Or Muffins: Cookies
Winter Or Spring Break: spring Break
Hugs Or Kisses: both

Have You Ever:

Danced In Public: yea
Smiled For No Reason: yes
Laughed So Hard You Cried: yes
Talked To A Stranger: yes
Drank Alcohol: Yes
Done Drugs: no
Partied Till The Sun Came Up: no
Gotten A Ticket: no
Been Arrested: no
Been Convicted Of A Crime: no
Been In A Wreck: yes
Been Out Of The Country: yes

Random And Silly Junk:

Are You A Virgin: no
Ever TP'd Someones House: no
Egged: No
How Many Languages Do You Speak: Just English
Who Do You Compare Yourself To: probs my dad's girlfriend
Ever Regret Anything: sometimes
Like Being Tickled: depends
What Are Your Goals: being happy
Are Your Fingers Tired: No
Tired Of This Survey: no
Happy Now: yes

day 1- 5 facts about you

day 2- the initials of the person you loved the longest/most

day 3- your closest friends

day 4- the thing you most fear

day 5- the saddest moment in your life

day 6- favorite sport(s)

day 7- favorite song/artist

day 8- your deepest secret

day 9- first impression on the guy you like now

day 10- last time you cried

day 11- thing closest to your heart

day 12- when you hear this song you cry

day 13- place wanna visit really badly

day 14- favorite book

day 15- favorite animal

day 16- favorite show

day 17- last time someone hurt you

day 18- the story behind your life

day 19- person who scares you the most

day 20- last major injury

day 21- favorite youtube video

day 22- phone type

day 23- biggest confession

day 24- last break up

day 25- last heart break

day 26- the day you regret the most

day 27- first friend

day 28- favorite drink

day 29- a letter to someone in your family

day 30- a letter to a friend

day 2- well, just timing wise i guess LJP

day 3- my closest mates are genuinely my family. along with that, i have a lot of friends but i trust my family the most

day 4- ugh i talk about my family too much but my biggest fear is losing them

day 5- probably when i found out i was being adopted, ironically, because it was by a family i didn't know and i ha never even met them before. i didn't even know their names and it wasn't who i wanted it to be. of course, it was all a joke and turned out being the best thing to ever happen to me.

day 6- i don't really do many sports but i love watching football and playing a good game of footy with my dad in the garden. i also really like watching figure skating, as well as american football when we're in the states

day 7- my favorite artist at the moment would either be ed sheeran (despite his "haitus") or selena gomez

day 8- i use my brother's toothbrush more than i use my own because i can't really keep track of mine when we're traveling. it's ironic tho that i use his because his mouth is the only one i trust to be the cleanest out of all the toothbrushes that are in the bathroom, but my boyfriend's is among them so when you think about it it's really weird and gross

day 9- i thought he was cute, but i was like 11 or 12 when i first saw him and he was like 16 or 17ish so it wasn't like omg i'm in love with you, it was just like awe babe

day 10- i honestly don't remember, which i guess is a good thing

1. What's a nickname that only your family calls you?
2. What's a weird habit of yours?
taking my socks off under the covers in bed and then complaining when I can't find any of them
3. Do you have any weird phobias?
not really, i guess
4. What's a song you secretly love to blast out and belt when you're alone?
Love Yourself by Justin Bieber
5.  What's one of your nervous habits?
not really a habit, but i get the cold sweats
6. What side of the bed do you sleep on?
7. What was your first stuffed animal?
a dog named chewy


day 1- 5 facts about you

day 2- the initials of the person you loved the longest/most

day 3- your closest friends

day 4- the thing you most fear

day 5- the saddest moment in your life

day 6- favorite sport(s)

day 7- favorite song/artist

day 8- your deepest secret

day 9- first impression on the guy you like now

day 10- last time you cried

day 11- thing closest to your heart

day 12- when you hear this song you cry

day 13- place wanna visit really badly

day 14- favorite book

day 15- favorite animal

day 16- favorite show

day 17- last time someone hurt you

day 18- the story behind your life

day 19- person who scares you the most

day 20- last major injury

day 21- favorite youtube video

day 22- phone type

day 23- biggest confession

day 24- last break up

day 25- last heart break

day 26- the day you regret the most

day 27- first friend

day 28- favorite drink

day 29- a letter to someone in your family

day 30- a letter to a friend

day 2- well, just timing wise i guess LJP

day 3- my closest mates are genuinely my family. along with that, i have a lot of friends but i trust my family the most

day 4- ugh i talk about my family too much but my biggest fear is losing them

day 5- probably when i found out i was being adopted, ironically, because it was by a family i didn't know and i ha never even met them before. i didn't even know their names and it wasn't who i wanted it to be. of course, it was all a joke and turned out being the best thing to ever happen to me.

day 6- i don't really do many sports but i love watching football and playing a good game of footy with my dad in the garden. i also really like watching figure skating, as well as american football when we're in the states

day 7- my favorite artist at the moment would either be ed sheeran (despite his "haitus") or selena gomez

Who's Most Likely To:

M: Me N: Brother H: Boyfriend

Cry in public

Be inpatient 
Be sleepy 
M or N
Forget birthdays 
Fall whilst walking 
M or N
Laugh at the wrong moment 
Know every song from 1D 
N and H
Fart in public  
Be a flirt 
N or H
Cry in a sad movie 
Talk to animals 
M, N, or H
Have too many posters and not enough walls 
none of us
Marry a celebrity 
Spend all their money on something stupid 
Get a stalker 
N or H
Be the first one to die in a zombie apocalypse 
Be a drama queen 
H or N
Watch animes 
none of us
Listen to classical music 
Always be happy 
N or H
Be a fan of Star Wars 
Drop their phone after they bought them 
Be caught in a chickensuit 
N or H
M or N
Be hungry 24/7 
M or N
Know all the words to a TV show theme song 
Hold their breath the longest 
M or H
Have the most piercings 
Be the best at math 
Have weird phobias 
N and H
Worry about small things 
Give all their money to charity 
M, N, H
Bungee jump 
Ask stupid questions
A - Available? Nope
B - Birthday? March 12
C - Crushing on? My boyfriend
D - Drink you last had? water
E - Easiest person to talk to? anyone in my family
F - Favorite song? can't choose ://///
G - Gummy bears or gummy worms? neither
H - Hometown? Bristol I guess, but London now
I - In love with.? My boyfriend
J - Jealous of? No one
K - Killed someone? no
L - Longest car ride? ugh like a million hours
M - Milkshake flavor? mint or vanilla
N - Number of siblings? 1Brother.
O - One wish? to never have to get out of bed
P - Person you texted last? my dad
Q - Question you are always asked? how's your family
R - Reason to smile? my family
S - Scars? Yeahh...
U - Underwear color? none
V - Violent moment you had? car accident when i was 14
W - Worst habit? biting my nails
X - X-rays you had? my ribs
Y - Yoyos are? Awesome
Z - Zodiac sign? Pisces
Your 8 names
Your Real name: Hope
Your "Gangsta" name"( first 4 letters of first name + dizzle):
Your Detective name (favorite color & animal):
Purple Dog
Your Soap Opera name (Street you live on & middle name):
Quincy Juliet
Your Star Wars name (first 3 letters of last & first 2 letters of middle):
Your Super Hero name (2nd favorote color and favorite drink):
Blue Water
Your Witness Protection name (on of your parent's middle names):
Your Goth name (black and the name if one of your pets):
Black Buster
Name: Hope
Age: 17
Height: 5’4
Relationship status: taken
Birthday: march 12
Favorite color: purple
Favorite bands: 21 pilots, coldplay, dnce
Favorite movie: my life revolves around movies and i've seen too many good ones so idk
Last movie watched: uhhhh chef
Favorite book: idk
Last book read: things they carried
# of siblings: 1
# of pets: one
Best school subject: math
Mac or PC? Mac
Cell phone type: iphone 6s
Current shirt color: white
Gamer? kinda?
Day or night? either
Summer or winter? Summer
Most-visited website? netflix or youtube
Celebrity crushes: ugh zac efron

day 1- 5 facts about you

day 2- the initials of the person you loved the longest/most

day 3- your closest friends

day 4- the thing you most fear

day 5- the saddest moment in your life

day 6- favorite sport(s)

day 7- favorite song/artist

day 8- your deepest secret

day 9- first impression on the guy you like now

day 10- last time you cried

day 11- thing closest to your heart

day 12- when you hear this song you cry

day 13- place wanna visit really badly

day 14- favorite book

day 15- favorite animal

day 16- favorite show

day 17- last time someone hurt you

day 18- the story behind your life

day 19- person who scares you the most

day 20- last major injury

day 21- favorite youtube video

day 22- phone type

day 23- biggest confession

day 24- last break up

day 25- last heart break

day 26- the day you regret the most

day 27- first friend

day 28- favorite drink

day 29- a letter to someone in your family

day 30- a letter to a friend

day 1-5 facts about you
1. I was born in Bristol
2. My biological parents are from America
3. I was in the hospital in a coma for a month when I was 14
4. I live in three different places
5. I have traveled the world multiple times

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