Time started: 21:52. Gender: Confused. Birthday: May 7. Siblings: 5
brothers, 1 sister. Eye colour: Hazel. Shoe size: 6? Height:
5'2". What you are wearing: Baggy jeans & a tee. Where
you live: United States for now anyway. Righty or lefty: Righty.
Have a dollar in change right now: Yes. Closest friends: No idea.
Best place for a date: What's a date? Favourite place to shop:
Anywhere I can get good quality cheap. Favourite type of plant:
Unique or tropical flowers. Favourite colour: Black. Favourite
number: 24. Favourite boy's name: Jasper. Favourite girl's
name: Jade. Favourite sport: Rugby. Favourite month: Don't have
one. Movies: UGH. Juice: Sparkling grape. Ice-cream: Mint,
chocolate, caramel, or peanut butter. Breakfast food: No idea.
Favourite cartoon character: Don't have one. Smoked: Nope. Made
yourself throw-up: Yes. Gone skinny dipping: Nope. Eaten a dog:
Yep. Put your tongue on a frozen pole: Nope. Loved someone so much
it made you cry: Not if it's just the love we're talking
about. Broken a bone? Not yet. Played truth or dare: Kinda doing it
right now. Been in a physical fight: Yep. Been in a police car: For
sure. Been on a plane: Heck yeah. Come close to dying: Many-a-time.
Been in a sauna: Yes. Been in a hot tub: Yes. Cried when someone
died: Yes. Cried in school: Yes. Fell off your chair: Why is this
an entry? Waited for a phone call all night: Yep. Saved AIM/Yahoo
conversations: Yahoo? Saved e-mails: Yes. Fallen for one of your
best guy friends: No. Made out with JUST a friend: Nope. Used
someone: Yes. Good luck charm: Um. Best song you've ever heard:
WHY. Bedroom: Cozy. Last thing you said: Farewell. What is
currently beside you: A blanket & pillow. Last thing you ate:
Cookies & Ice-cream. Type of shampoo: Amuse Soap. Worst thing
that happened to you this year: No idea. Chicken pox: Yup. Sore
Throat: Right now. Stitches: Staples. Broken nose: Nope. Love at
first sight: Eh. Like school: Who is writing this. What schools
have you gone to: UIS-PC, UIS-SC, PCA, Homeschool. Eat a live
hamster for $1,000,000. dollars: Yes. To keep with you, stuck on an
island: A boat to get out. The last person that called you:
Co-worker. Makes you laugh the most: Co-worker. Makes you smile:
Family. Last person you yelled at: I don't really yell. Told
you that they love you: Co-worker. Like filling these out: Yes, if
I didn't realize that there were going to be so many grammar
errors for me to fix along the way. Contacts or glasses: Nope. Do
you like yourself: Learning. Get along with your family: Yes.
Stolen anything over $50: Probably. Current playlist: Tinie Tempah.
Yesterday's activities: Work, school, and work-out. Received
any awards: Yes. What car you wish to have: My current car that
runs. Where you want to get married: Don't know, don't
care. One thing you would change about yourself: Mental health.
Good driver: For the most part. Good Singer: I've been told
that. Lava lamp: Wish I had one. Number of remote controls in your
house: I think two. Double jointed: That's not even
scientifically possible. What you dream about: Too many things.
Last time you showered: Day or two ago. Last time you took a bath:
Um. Scary or happy movies: Depends. Chocolate or white chocolate:
Yes. Root Beer or Dr.Pepper: A&W. Mud or Jell-O wrestling: Mud.
Vanilla or chocolate: Depends. Summer or winter: No. Silver or
Gold: Yes. Diamond or pearl: Diamond. Sunset or Sunrise: Sunset.
Sprite or 7up: Sierra Mist. Cats or dogs: No. Coffee or tea: Tea.
Phone or in person: In person. Indoor or outdoor: Depends. Time
ended: 22:14.