Ugh Quotes

Time started: 21:52. Gender: Confused. Birthday: May 7. Siblings: 5 brothers, 1 sister. Eye colour: Hazel. Shoe size: 6? Height: 5'2". What you are wearing: Baggy jeans & a tee. Where you live: United States for now anyway. Righty or lefty: Righty. Have a dollar in change right now: Yes. Closest friends: No idea. Best place for a date: What's a date? Favourite place to shop: Anywhere I can get good quality cheap. Favourite type of plant: Unique or tropical flowers. Favourite colour: Black. Favourite number: 24. Favourite boy's name: Jasper. Favourite girl's name: Jade. Favourite sport: Rugby. Favourite month: Don't have one. Movies: UGH. Juice: Sparkling grape. Ice-cream: Mint, chocolate, caramel, or peanut butter. Breakfast food: No idea. Favourite cartoon character: Don't have one. Smoked: Nope. Made yourself throw-up: Yes. Gone skinny dipping: Nope. Eaten a dog: Yep. Put your tongue on a frozen pole: Nope. Loved someone so much it made you cry: Not if it's just the love we're talking about. Broken a bone? Not yet. Played truth or dare: Kinda doing it right now. Been in a physical fight: Yep. Been in a police car: For sure. Been on a plane: Heck yeah. Come close to dying: Many-a-time. Been in a sauna: Yes. Been in a hot tub: Yes. Cried when someone died: Yes. Cried in school: Yes. Fell off your chair: Why is this an entry? Waited for a phone call all night: Yep. Saved AIM/Yahoo conversations: Yahoo? Saved e-mails: Yes. Fallen for one of your best guy friends: No. Made out with JUST a friend: Nope. Used someone: Yes. Good luck charm: Um. Best song you've ever heard: WHY. Bedroom: Cozy. Last thing you said: Farewell. What is currently beside you: A blanket & pillow. Last thing you ate: Cookies & Ice-cream. Type of shampoo: Amuse Soap. Worst thing that happened to you this year: No idea. Chicken pox: Yup. Sore Throat: Right now. Stitches: Staples. Broken nose: Nope. Love at first sight: Eh. Like school: Who is writing this. What schools have you gone to: UIS-PC, UIS-SC, PCA, Homeschool. Eat a live hamster for $1,000,000. dollars: Yes. To keep with you, stuck on an island: A boat to get out. The last person that called you: Co-worker. Makes you laugh the most: Co-worker. Makes you smile: Family. Last person you yelled at: I don't really yell. Told you that they love you: Co-worker. Like filling these out: Yes, if I didn't realize that there were going to be so many grammar errors for me to fix along the way. Contacts or glasses: Nope. Do you like yourself: Learning. Get along with your family: Yes. Stolen anything over $50: Probably. Current playlist: Tinie Tempah. Yesterday's activities: Work, school, and work-out. Received any awards: Yes. What car you wish to have: My current car that runs. Where you want to get married: Don't know, don't care. One thing you would change about yourself: Mental health. Good driver: For the most part. Good Singer: I've been told that. Lava lamp: Wish I had one. Number of remote controls in your house: I think two. Double jointed: That's not even scientifically possible. What you dream about: Too many things. Last time you showered: Day or two ago. Last time you took a bath: Um. Scary or happy movies: Depends. Chocolate or white chocolate: Yes. Root Beer or Dr.Pepper: A&W. Mud or Jell-O wrestling: Mud. Vanilla or chocolate: Depends. Summer or winter: No. Silver or Gold: Yes. Diamond or pearl: Diamond. Sunset or Sunrise: Sunset. Sprite or 7up: Sierra Mist. Cats or dogs: No. Coffee or tea: Tea. Phone or in person: In person. Indoor or outdoor: Depends. Time ended: 22:14.
sometimes I feel so f.ucking shallow.
i don't want to go back to hell but everyone else seems to want me to return
you know it's wrong but you do it anyway because you're sick and tired of living a live full of loneliness
I hate telling people things about me, because when they leave it's like damn they know too much for a stranger
being liked back is probably an awesome feeling, an awesome feeling i'll probably never experience
stop telling me it wasn't my fault. it was.

you don't know the whole story. you weren't there to experience it, so only he and i can judge it.

it was my fault because things only started going bad when i showed it and cried. because if i just decided to keep my thoughts to myself, we'd probably still be together today. 
You know you done effed up when the zeroes are loose...
and it hurts so much because you knew i didn't have anyone else, and you said you'd be there for me but you're out having a grand old time living your life without me with your fúcking emotionless, heartless self while I'm laying in bed at 3 am drowning in my own tears wondering what the fúck I did wrong and why I wasn't enough for you.
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