whenever I see a about how someone 'needs to get off
my respect for the user who wrote the quote ABSOLUTELY
who do you think you are to tell someone they NEED to leave? this
isn't your website, you're not a moderator, and you are
certainly not the voice of everyone on witty. you know what that
is? cyber bullying. so they're fake, or they bullied you? you
think the most mature and effective way to deal with the problem is
make a quote about them or to try get a ton of people to report
them? what the hell? that is the most ridiculous thing i've
ever heard. so yeah, if i see anyone saying someone needs to
'get off witty', that 'no-one wants them here',
that they're just making the website worse or that they
aren't welcome, you know what? i dont' care who you are -
i'm gonna call you out on it. don't speak for me, and
don't cyberbully people and assume you'll be backed. i
don't care what's happened between you. if i see
cyber-bullying, you'll be called out on it. if you have a
message for a user, tell it to them. don't make some
smart-as.s quote about them. as
far as i'm concerned, that's nothing but a di.ck move.
how dare you?
grow the hell up.
/this isn't directed at anyone in particular, but if it applies
to you maybe take it on board idk ?????? (thats saracastic idk if u
can tell)
god damn. how old are you guys, ffs. *angry angry angry*