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Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed |Five Little Monkey Rhymes for kids |Nursery Rhymes - YOUTUBE

Bommi and friends is one of the most popular youtube channel for children.The Channel features educational videos and nursery rhymes about Numbers ,Alphabets, Arts & Crafts with entertainment. “Bommi & Friends” is an entertaining and positive-affirming adventure series for children curated with the most popular videos and playlists.
Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed |Five Little Monkey Rhymes for kids |Nursery Rhymes - YOUTUBE

Bommi and Friends top youtube channel present Five Little Monkeys Jumping On The Bed youtube video song for children’s. Taco is an animated energetic monkey and it has four friends near his home.
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Thinking Out Loud- Ed Sheeran
This song is one of my favorites and the video makes it even better
Listen here we're gonna do the bar.
Why we're gonna do the bar is because i'm not old enough to go inta bar.
Thats my motto in life. 
Lift a bar if you cant go in to one  

Who Else Hates The Sound Of Their Voice On Video? xD 
me watching The Final Episode:

Danny: you need a doctor baby? you scared?
me: holy shxt -gets a hard nasal spillage-


that akward moment where you realize that the news reporters of King For A Day (Pierce The Veil) and Do it Now, Remember it Later are the same ._.

Watch the vídeos o.o


Confession 38

I have been obssesed with the video game Zelda, as long as I can remember.
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