
Joined: May 6, 2011
Last Seen: 9 years
user id: 172031
HEY!! I'm Emma.

Things about me: Love Black Veil Brides, Eminem, Falling In Reverse, Escape The Fate, The Used, Greenday, MikelWJ and MANY more. Self harmer, soon to be ex self harmer hopefully. Extremely shy, unless I'm with my friends, then you can't get me to shut up :P

Music was there for me when I couldn't take life anymore. I owe my life to me bands that kept me going through out these rough years. I am forever in their debts.

~fighting between recovery and relapse, between life and death. Never thought it would be this hard of a choice~

LostNeverToBeFound is my other account.

"Oh and FightingAgainstMordor is THE hottest chick ever <3 I have a crush on her $: *: I've known her for six years, and I'm just too shy to tell her that I seriously love her. Maybe when she reads my profile, she'll know Im serious. (:"

Thanks for that hack Danica