
Joined: May 8, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 75787

Hello, my name is Taylor. I love  a really awesome guy, and  my favorite animal is a zebra. I also love HUGS!!!

 I love my  funny friends, and this is eugene, he  is my little buddy: (>^.^)> 

I have the best of friends:
Whitney - chewy
Dez (Super Dezi)
Brittiany (The_Vampire_Princess)
Carter (Boosha 347)
Shania (Smart-Smart)
Randy (Rannill)
Erin (Erin_loves_him)

I am esspecially loved by about everyone, and love my family and of course my American Shorthair Patches and my pure breed Saint Bernard, MoJo! Well im not going to say anymore because

I don't like stalkers!!!

  BYE!!! <3