
Joined: March 15, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 158611

Therare twsides

T o    e v e r y    s t o r y

let's hear mine, shall we? 
Last weekend, my best friend Maddie & I asked our Witty friends (Hailey & Lauren), who we had already met & were fun to be around, to go to the mall. they asked to bring along their friend Carlie &  we said sure. but we get there, & they treat us like shit. ditching us. not even talking to us. making us feel excluded. it was all on purpose, Hailey later on confessed after denying it constantly. but before her confession,  Maddie & I went to my house & we went on ooVoo with our Witty friend Val, who is also friends with Hailey & Lauren. it was on our minds, so we spilled how we felt hurt about what happened at the mall. we didn't talk "shit" or say anything bad, but we asked her to please keep that to herself. instantly, Hailey texts us telling us to not tell Val that they ditched us because it wasn't true. all of a sudden, Val had to leave. I deleted Val, Hailey, & Lauren off of Facebook instead of getting a big whole argument about it. but when Val got sassy as she asked me why I deleted her, I told her that she was two faced & I understood why her ex-best friends treat her the way they do now because she's a "horrible" friend. I didn't mean what I said Val, I hope you know that. I put you under pressure without meaning to do so, & I realized my mistake when it was too late. but still, I didn't think it was odd to think you can trust a friend. suddenly, I get horrible horrible horrible text messages from Hailey & Lauren. i'm conceited, i have NO friends outside of Witty, i better watch out because they're my worst nightmare, & so much more. I couldn't even finish reading the texts. I was bawling my eyes out. i've been receiving texts from Hailey from the past few days saying things so bad I can't even state on here. she claims she's against bullying, but she's bullied me to the point where I feel like I have no purpose living anymore. how does it feel to make fun of me for things I can't control? how does it feel to try to get people on Witty to team up against me? how does it feel to try to get my best friend Maddie to hate me? Marissa- how does it feel to say that you've always hated me, even after I convinced you to come back on Witty? how does it feel to make people think you're inspirational, but then see my true colors?Jaycie- how does it feel to turn on your Witty best friend & be pissed at her for venting to you about her friendship issues? she thought she could trust you. how do you feel about insulting me with the thing that you know I'm most insecure about, how I've never had a boyfriend? I'll tell you how I feel~ 
like piece ofucking shit

Quotes by doyouevenseeit