
Status: 5 boys. 4 video diaries. 3 MTV awards. 2 years. 1 dream. 1 Direction. ♥
Joined: June 15, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 308810
Location: One Directions Tour bus! :)
Gender: F

Hey Beautifuls! :)
My name is Meboron6!
I love One Direction, Justin Bieber,
And Austin Mahone! ♥
They are the hottest and most
talented boys on the planet! :)
I am just a little obsessd with them! ;)
My best friend is Emm98Rose!
She is amazing so you can follow her! :)
I love Witty and check it about 
everyday! So you could follow me and 
I might follow back! :) 
My profile picture is me! :)
If there is anything else you want 
to know just ask! :)

Thanks Beautiful! ♥