
Joined: August 7, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 119700


Hi there :) Danielle is my name. You can call me

Danni if you would like. well I'm just going to ramble

about my life, not that it is very interesting though.

obviously i love soccer. it's kinda my life. i live in new jersey and no it is not trashy. I'm a sophomore in high school. I've had my experience with boys. they suck. I'm over the whole relationship thing right now. I've had my heart broken like many girls have. I'm also very bad at choosing friends. i can't seem to keep a best friend. they always end up leaving me. that's why i love witty so much because i actually have girls that understand me and that I can talk to. i love making new friends! comment me if you would like to know more :)