Advice Quote #1008591
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Help? hello everyone here on twitty. i know i have said in my

hello everyone here on twitty. i know i have said in my past quotes that i am good at giving advice. but when it comes to my own life i cant follow my own advice idk why i have to hear it from someone else. well anyways there is this one guy who i really like. i have gone out with him twice, he broke up with me both times, the first time because my family was going to move away, but then my family changed there mind and decided not to move. so we got back together. no he just broke up with me because of dare that he couldnt go without having a girlfriend for the whole minth of august. i still really like this guy. do you think i should keep tryingto get him? or let him go? i just dont know what to do anymore because this guy was all i had. please help me!


k_m_o_xo 1 decade ago
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if he left u cause of a dare i say bye bye boy
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Mksoccerchic 1 decade ago
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Leave him! I have delt With Dares... They Lead to Heart Breaks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just let him go!
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Lovethelifeyoulive32oX 1 decade ago
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deffinetly let him go.
you might think he was all you had but he wasn't.
you'll do great without him and try to find things that make you forget about him :]
he was stupid to break up with you for a dare and if he really liked you he wouldn't have done it.
need anything else jusstt comment. im an advise giverr !
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wutsuppdoc 1 decade ago
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Thankyou everyone for your advice
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xoxgabxox 1 decade ago
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heey this might be so hard to do becuase trust me ive been and still am in a position lke yours they hurt you but you dont wanna get hurt i know exactaly how it feels and if your part of a bet then this guy relaly doenst know how to treat a girl im not telling you to like him because if i were u i wouldnt want that kind of advice i think you should watch out for this guy becuase even tho he may be amazing he can be mean he deff. liked you one time but the second time was casue of a bet which was so wrong and a guy should NEVER EVER do . if u re seriously thinking of getting back together with him u should have a long talk and say u dontw anna gget hurt again(:
need anyhting else? just ask(: -gabbi
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x0sAmMy0x 1 decade ago
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hey i think that if this guy just went out with you cause he was in some contest then find out if he really truely li,es guess i think it would be stupid to go out with someone who doesnt really like you and anyway if you really like this guy then go and tel him how you feel about him and c if he feels the same way. i hope THAT helped ALOTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!! and please respond and tell e about what you think. And if you think you will you my advice then tell me how it works out between you and this guy
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kaylaa1140 1 decade ago
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don't try anymore. if he really cared for you or loved you, he wouldn't have broken up with you bc you were movin gaway or bc of a dare. he would have said " wel, i really love this girl so i am gunna stay by her nmw" Bc chances are, your going to get hurt.
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fan_art_4life 1 decade ago
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alright. this guy broke up w/ u bc of a dare? well it may be hard but u have 2 let him go. if he was smart he wouldnt have broken up with u over a stupid thing like that.
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posted August 11, 2009 at 4:54pm UTC tagged with advice

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