Sports Quote #1021648
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Cheerleading doesn't make you strong; it makes you cocky. Cheerleading

Cheerleading doesn't make you strong;
it makes you cocky.
Cheerleading doesn't make people fly;
it makes them think they can.
Cheerleading doesn't make you popular;
it makes you stuck up.
Cheerleading doesn't teach you life;
life teaches the cheerleaders eventually.
[ not mine made it prettier ]


xoHannahBananaaxo 1 decade ago
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Cheerleading doesn't make you cocky
it makes you feel proud and happy.
Cheerleading doesn't make people question;
it makes them think "Wow, that's amazing!"
Cheerleading doesn't make you popular;
it makes a family of sisters who love eachother and stick together.
Life doesn't teach cheerleaders;
Cheerleading teaches us life.
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LittleMissCheerleader1299 1 decade ago
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Cheer dosen't make us strong,
It makes us confident.
Cheer dosen't make us think we can fly.
It lets us KNOW we can fly.
Jerk. Apparently youve never tried cheer,

And by the way, we CAN fly.

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kateylovesllamas 1 decade ago
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you must never have tried it before. so lemme correct you.
Cheerleading doesn't make you strong;
it makes you CONFIDENT.
Cheerleading doesn't make people fly;
Cheerleading doesn't make you popular;
it makes you RESPECTED.
Cheerleading doesn't teach you life;
life teaches FAMILY.
get it right, .
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mkylie44 1 decade ago
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Cheerleading doesn't make you cocky
it makes you confident
Cheerleading doesn't make people question;
it makes them do the unthinkable
Cheerleading doesn't make you popular;
it makes you& your team family
Life doesn't teach cheerleaders;
Cheerleading teaches us life.
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cheerchick999 1 decade ago
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stfu, cheerleading is a sport and it is hard. i've already told all of this to elizagace but you need to hear it too. ive been an allstar cheerleader for 8 years. i just recently joined my 4th organization. i could tell you stories about the i've met while cheering, but i'm also gonna tell you that i honestly havent met many. cheerleaders become stereotyped based on how they act on the floor, alot of people have never met one off. on the floor we're told to look like we own the place, and most of the time we pull it off pretty well. but its all just a show, kinda like acting ? i used to know a girl from my old team, she was really nice and extremely smart, she could be catagorized as a "geek" at school and nobody would of guessed she was a cheerleader. but when she was put on the floor she gave it her all and did great, she does cheerleading because she loves the sport, not because she fits the stereotype. cheerleading takes alot of effort too. you train for months in advance to make a two and a half minute routine flawless. there is nothing better than the feeling when you hit your elite stunt with perfect timing and it looks clean. so yeah we might not run around a field, or hit balls going 60 miles per hour, but just because our sport doesnt take the same kind of strength and effort as yours doesnt mean it doesnt mean it doesnt take any.
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SuMMeR_GiRL65 1 decade ago
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your so wrong its unbelievable. and your saying that all cheerleaders are cocky, which there not. and who said we do cheerleading to get popular? we do cheerleading because its our passion.
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xocheerleading 1 decade ago
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you dont know what the your talking abour
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kyliebraye 1 decade ago
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i agree with almost everyone else. try doing a lib, try doing a basket toss. OH YEAHH, you cant. becuase its way to hard for you.
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feliciaxoxo 1 decade ago
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yeaahitsemmaa 1 decade ago
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okaaaaaay. biooootch you dont know what your even taaalking about. you try being a fly, you try standing in a stuunt. i wouuld laugh my off seeing that. cheerleading is more than you "x0HelloBeautiful" & friknnng "zyxwME4754" thinnk it is. beforee you talk this kinnda .. try cheerleading. & untill you do you should shut your mouth.(:
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smileysteph 1 decade ago
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Id like no LOVE to see you try do some of the stunts we do on your first try,, I bet you couldnt even do a thigh stand
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the_bestest_1 1 decade ago
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REALLY, WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU. CHEERLEADING DOSEN'T MAKE WHO COCKY, IT MAKES YOU WROK HARD. IT DOESNT MAKE YOU CHEERLEADERS THINK THEY CAN FLY, IT MAKES THEM STRONG. CHEERLEADERS ARE STUCK UP, YOU JUST WATCH TOO MANY MOVIES, . IN CHEELEADING, YOU CAN GET A scholarships,SO IT IS A WAY of life. So, before you write things about cheerleading or any other sports, think about what you say, because they are other ppl that may play a sport that you think isn't.
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cheerdancevolleyballshopping 1 decade ago
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WOW... you know. cheer isnt like that! some people are. but NOT EVERYONE IS! its not cheerleading that makes ppl stuck up. its just HOW THEY ARE BORN! they were born stuck up, you would know wouldnt you?
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ilovehimxoxo101 1 decade ago
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this is sooo untrue!!! im a cheerleader and every1 on my team were super nice and no one is cocky or stuck up!!! this quote suck becase every word is untrue! cheerleaders are strong and some of the nicest people i no so dont be hating on cheerleaders because u r jealous that u arent like us! we r smart confident stong high spirited girls and ur just a jealous because u arent like us!!!
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ily123ily 1 decade ago
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ohhyeahh, and one of the girls on our squad hadd to have BACK SURGERY from gettingg think before you talk(:
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ily123ily 1 decade ago
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Yoou really thiink cheerleadings easy?
Hunn, its something called self-confindencee.
tryy getting some(:whyy dont ya?
Andd cheerleading is a sport, maybe it doesnt look like it, but i dont see your lazy lifting 112 lbs. now do i? soo hunnn, dont talk unless you know what your talkkinng about(:gott it sweetiee?
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zyxwME4754 1 decade ago
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this quote is AMAZING i wish i thought of it first!!!!!!
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HurricaneHailey 1 decade ago
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beachbum, i think ninja fighting is the most dangerous sport . and xohellobeautiful ,HELLO . lmfao .
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x0HelloBeautiful 1 decade ago
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i agree i hate cheerleaders lmao
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beachbum456 1 decade ago
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ok then why dont u try to lift people in the air then throw them and catch . or mabye u should try doing a triple backhandspring layout back tuck toeotuch. ... . yeeh i didnt think so . cheerleading is the most dangerous sport in the world u can die from it . soo whoever cheers is brave and your just jealous.
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posted August 16, 2009 at 6:06pm UTC tagged with sports

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