Love Quote #1115571
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Yes; i do know. I know how you cry yourself to sleep way to often.

 Yes; i do know.

I know how you cry yourself to sleep way to often. I know how you re-read his text messages-- because you know that you won't see any like that again; for a very long time, (if you ever do.) Yea, i know how you sit there (just crying) thinking about the good memories. Then crying (because you know that they can never happen again.) You're heartbroken. and so are a lot of other girls right now. But face it. He's over it. he likes other girls; he doesn't care anymore. after all; he's a boy ! your lucky he ever cared (at all.) So do him a favor; slowly let go; and get over him. I know, its hard. But sooner or later, another guy is going to come along. And yesss, i know that the guy you love (at the moment.) is uncomparable to any other guy that could possibly come along. But he'll come along. I just know it. <3. Get yourself together, ; i promise; you won't regret it. <3.

-- inspired from another quote. (:.

1 Comment

iN_tHe_ClouDs_xo 1 decade ago
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i'm trying, oh im trying, i wish it was this easy to slowly get over him, but i can't even do that.
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posted October 3, 2009 at 7:25pm UTC tagged with love

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