Poems Quote #1149956
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Everyone has a place where they feel unconfortable, you walk

Everyone has a place where they feel unconfortable,
you walk in and feel trapped,
with all the good feelings left at the door.
Slowly it grows on you,
your emotions go crazy.
You dont know what to do.
Cry? Scream?
You're scared.
You just want to run away,
forget the place and its curse.
But... what if you couldn't?
what if this was where you lived?




xxlexii2xx 1 decade ago
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hahaha, loverly description laura.
it fitts him well(:
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[deleted] 1 decade ago
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he should die in a whole. he makes the world feel uncomfortable. freaking corner bug eyed not wanting to go in the toilet creep.
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3 Wittians like this



posted October 23, 2009 at 9:33pm UTC tagged with poems

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