Break Up Quote #1318315
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Once apon a time you told me you loved me and we were kissing

Once apon a time you told me you loved me and we were kissing in your car and i would lay my head on your chest, and you told me you would always love me forever and always and that you never wanted to lose me... i started crying and you thought they were happy tears, but they weren't because i could tell you were lying.. but i told you i loved you and felt the same way.. and i meant everything.. i meant the love we shared, the kisses we shared, the hugs we gave, the laughter we shared.. i was your princess, at least thats the way you made me feel when i was with you..  but then a week later my fairytale came crashing down.. i got a text mesage saying ITS OVER, suddenly i was so mad.. these tears came down my face and i started screaming and all of a sudden, i felt like dying.. you were my reason to live and my ONLY reason, but now i know were not meant to be and i moved on to someone who loves me more than you ever could love me.. and were not even friends now.. and he always said we would be friends.. i dont know wat to do.. :(


Princess_Tyree 1 decade ago
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Yes i did believe.. Okay, most girls die.. And yes amanda it is true!!! ): but im okay.
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not_supposed_2go_like_that 1 decade ago
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tru dat. Princess_Tyree hope this ain't true... i no like it when my friends get hurt by guys....
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aphrodite814r 1 decade ago
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sHE beLIEveD
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3 Wittians like this



posted January 29, 2010 at 12:05pm UTC tagged with break up

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