Inspirational Quote #1409253
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screw you, MCAS this one goes out to all the poor massachusetts

screw you, MCAS
this one goes out to all the poor
massachusetts kids forced
to take MCAS this week,
struggling just to pay attention to the passages
attempting to stay awake.
wishing more than ever to go home and sleep
on the couch.
barely able to stand up after sitting down for
many hours caged in those stupid desks
in those lifeless classrooms.
having to read the most boring stories,
excerpts, and articles you could
possibly imagine.
unable to talk or text for over 2 hours?
this week will be like hell
best of luck.


HARRYPOTTERforlifex95 1 decade ago
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ughhh omg i know how you feel! luckily at arlington high freshmen only take the science MCAS this yearr!
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oxoxBrister35xoxo 1 decade ago
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ahahha i know i hate it so much and today my teacher was in a bad mood so when we we all finished by 10am, we still had to read until like 11 while other classes were talking and working on fun things ): bahhhh
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orangemoose21 1 decade ago
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u can say THAT again....ughh its hell on earth...and they wont even let us txt AFTER...thts y when im done...i ask my parents to pick me up cuz of a "doctors appointment"
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posted March 29, 2010 at 10:52pm UTC tagged with inspirational

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