Friendship Quote #1492399
all quotes · friendship ·

WeAreBestFriends... --------->)You think you'll be together,

--------->)You think you'll be together, be there for each other to cry on.(<---------
WRONG, what happens when you find out the girl you've known
since you were born, is moving to the other side of the country!?
well there are a few choices; cry, cry, cry, oh and did i say cry??
We've always been there for each other, no matter what. And
now, we're entering high school. Probably the toughest years
of our lives. She's gonna enter without knowing anyone, and
\\ ill enter without someone to come to when i'm about to break
down. Sure, we dont go to the same school and only see //
each other about once a month, but knowing she wont be
forty-five minutes away, just incase i need her, is a horrible
feeling. Instead, she'll be miles and miles away. She's just
about the best friend anyone could have, and i hope she
knows that. She means the world to me, and we've been
friends pretty much forever, and i hope we stay that way.
She's amazing, funny, trustworthy, caring, beautiful on the
inside and out, and just always there for me, even if she
*=| has her own problems to worry about. i love her with all |=*
my heart, this is for you;


-minee, total ventt. ill miss you girliee!<3 :(

1 Comment

auderyiloveyousomuch 1 decade ago
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ugh!!!!! :"(
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posted May 14, 2010 at 10:16pm UTC tagged with friendship

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