Funny Quote #154447
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Homework Excuses: My dad sat on my laptop Can you define ''homework?''

Homework Excuses:

My dad sat on my laptop

Can you define ''homework?''

I plead the 5th

Our furance stopped working, and we had to burn it so wouldn't freeze

Here it is. I wrote it in invisible ink

It was so perfect that i'm having it framed

I dropped it in the street, and a car parked on it.

I was afraid i'd lose it, so i mailed it to you

I had an excuse, but i forgot it

My locker jammed, so i couldn't get my homework out

There weren't any commercials during the TV show i was watching

Homework? I was suppose to bring it back to school? I thought i was suppose to stay home

My brother grabbed my homework by mistake

I'm translating it from Klington

My parents couldn't finish it, so they took it to work to get some help

I was kidnapped by aliens who kept it for further study. They gave me an ''A''

I gave it to charity. There are kids who are less fortunate than me.

I didn't do it because i didn't want to add to your already heavy workload.

-I got away on one of them (LOL)

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posted July 27, 2006 at 12:00am UTC tagged with funny

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