Lyrics Quote #1603406
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ORIGINAL NO COPYRIGHT i’ve known you for a while look forward


i’ve known you for a while
 look forward to seeing you smile
That blush you get when we talk
That goofy smile when we’re together

Those pale blue eyes
Make me weak at the knees
You were my first love
The one I’ll always keep
Yes I’ve hurt you
But I want you to know
That you’ll always be in my heart
I may not show it, but you need to know it now
Now I’ve moved on
And we can still be friends
Look how far we’ve come now
You will always be my first love
You were my first wow
The little comments
I know that they mean so much
The teasing goes on
And I get a rush
Yes I’ve hurt you
But I need you to know
That you’ll always be in my heart
I may not show it, but you need to know it now
Now I’ve moved on
And we can still be friends
Look how far we’ve come now
You will always be my first love
You were my first wow
So what I have a new guy
Who knows how long?
You’re my inspiration
My love for this song
You’ll always be in my heart
Now I’ve moved on
We are still friends
You’re my reason for this song
I need you to know this
Don’t go through life not knowing
I will always love you
There it is
The truth
I love you
The truth is
That I’m still in love with you


rachweintraubb 1 decade ago
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thank you <3
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gabysayssrawrrx3 1 decade ago
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no problem. and I hope you do show him:) it's really nice(:
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rachweintraubb 1 decade ago
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aww thats such a romantic story!and go ahead show it to him, it'll make him feel happy (;. I wish i had the guts to show this to the guy, but I can't. thank you so much for your comment <3 i have a youtube account and I'll post it soon. it's called: futuresongwriter09
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gabysayssrawrrx3 1 decade ago
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this is like the exact story I have with a guy that I'm actually getting back together with after 11 months. if you don't mind, i'm going to show him this because It's amazing and I love it. make a youtube account and sing the song on it, i'd love to hear it ♥
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posted June 29, 2010 at 11:09am UTC tagged with lyrics

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