Friendship Quote #1627483
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30 Days 30 Letters Day 3 . - Your Parents Dear Mommy &'

 30 Days 30 Letters 

Day 3 . - Your Parents 

  Dear Mommy &' Daddy ,

          Where do I start? Well, thank you both for everything you guys have ever done for me. You guys are the best. You would take any part of your day out to help me, talk to me, play with me, drive me somewhere, cook me something, go places with me. Momma Dukes, I love you soooo much words cannot explain. You are ALWAYS there for me when I need you for advice, love, comfort. You buy me things when really, I don't need them, LOL, but I want them. We share sooo many laughs together, cries together, hugs together, kisses together. I appreciate everything you do for me. So Mom, thank you again for everything you've ever done for me! Daddyoo, I love you soooo much! You would do anything for me! I appreciate everything you do for me. You'd take any time of the day to play with me, drive me somewhere, anything :D As Mommy &' Ash would say, I have you rapped around my finger. Hehe. So thank you both for everything I love you both SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much. You two are the BEST. I Love You's<3 Thanks Again<3

                         Your Daughter,

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posted July 7, 2010 at 12:11am UTC tagged with friendship

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