Famous Quote #1636281
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Type your name with your nose!plz keep it going alrxa- Alexa...

Type your name with your nose!plz keep it going
alrxa- Alexa...
bridgtet- Bridgette, lol.
vanessdsa- Vanessa :D ahhahahahhha!
daqsey6- casey! waoh
lilly- Lilly (: yay!
daruibn- Darin
racheol- Rachel almost!!!!!
erica: Erica
kayla-haha i did it!!
emily-emily :] yay!
angeloaq-Angela-SO CLOSE!!!! lol
q4iannq- lol close arianna [:
kristennnnnn haha its kristen im good!
shakyna =D oops so close Shayna
abbhy- abby aww sooo close :(
seanna- seanna yay its kinda hard
juulia- Julia! haha veryy closee!
ermy - whoop i made it!
shawna =] - yayyyyyy<3
tommi!---Yay i did itt(:
Hannah --- WOOHO ! i did it<3 it wasnt hard :D

nina----> nina!! ahh i did ittt :D
sarah --> Sarah
ashlyn---> Ashlyn yay!!! i did it!!!=]
9k0t3jn nwwappyire -----> imogen sapphire
mjelissa <---melissa..dang so close!
shelbgy------> shelby. ahh soo close just like melissa ^ < 3

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livelife4music 1 decade ago
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posted July 9, 2010 at 2:28pm UTC tagged with famous

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