Story Quote #1650772
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It Will Be Our Secret Forever Chapter 1: Part 5 We pulled up

 It Will Be Our Secret Forever
Chapter 1: Part 5 

We pulled up and the lights from the carnival mirrored off the windshield. I looked at Justin who was holding my door open as I slowly stepped out. His arm fell around my waist as we walked around. 
"Come on," he led me to the ferris wheel and I stepped dead in my tracks. "What's wrong, baby girl?"
"I'm kind of afraid of h-heights," I said. 
"Don't worry, I'm here." he sat down in the cart and I went next to him. He held me close as the cart went, up, up, and up higher again. We stopped at the top and I was about to cry. 
"J-J-Justin!" I clung to him and he just whispered in my ear for me to calm down and it will be alright. I looked over and out at the carnival and the view; it was actually really beautiful. "This is so beautiful!" I told Justin.
"That's not the only thing that's catching my eye," he winked making me blush. I leaned back in my seat and we went around and then around again this time as we stopped, he kissed me. I felt static in the kiss and I knew he had to fell it to cause when we pulled away we both went 'wow'. We got off the ride and looked around. 
"Oh my gosh, Justin! Win me that please!" I pointed at the pig stuffed animal.
"Of course, anything for you." Justin slapped down a five dollar bill and grabbed three balls. He threw the first one and it went right in, then he covered his eyes and threw the other making it nothing but basket; show off? I laughed to myself as he threw the other and it hit the rim and made it in. I clapped and he handed me the animal. We drove home in silence, but it wasn't an awkward silence which was good. 
Justin walked me to my front door step like the gentlemen he is and he looked into my eyes, "I had a really fun time tonight, Alex."
"Me too, thanks." I smiled.
"Call you later?" He asked.
"Of course," he started to walk away but then quickly ran back.
"Alex?" he called. I turned around and before I could do anything else our lips crashed into each other again.
"Night, gorgeous." he went back to his car and drove away making me almost faint on my front doorstep.

1 Comment

neverwillknow 1 decade ago
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is this a true storyy.
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posted July 13, 2010 at 3:33pm UTC tagged with story

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