Vent Quote #1659365
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30 days, 30 letters Day 15: The Person You Miss The Most Dear

30 days, 30 letters
Day 15: The Person You Miss The Most

Dear Andie,

i miss you SO much, dude :/ like no lie. i've never had a best friend like you. we were close. SUPER close. you were like a sister to me. you knew everything about me & you always knew when i wasn't in a good mood. & sometimes you even knew why. no one i know is like that. you cared so much about me.... & i cared about you. you were & still are my BEST FRIEND. you're my TRUE FRIEND <3 don't think i forgot about you. i didn't. i remember jumping on my trampoline in my backyard w the sprinkler underneath it XD haha & we would slip everywhere and you fell off! lmfao that was hilarious. i was like, how the hell did you not get hurt? o.O lmfao. i remember going to your house & sleeping over. & sleeping outside on YOUR trampoline x) that was a very cold night. hahaha, & i remember going to the store w you juuuuust to get candy ;) OMFG & remember when we went out late at night w JB & Matt? just to see some freaking graffiti?! omfg & then we got home & we were in so much trouble xD haha but i don't regret doing it. that was so much fun :) & then the next day at school we were all, "So what did your parents do to you?" hahaha. well, you're still in Texas, & now i'm in Arizona. :\ one day i'll see you again. i have to :) <3 you were always there for me. you were the first person i talked to at North Star :] lol. ily & imy <3

Aly :)

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posted July 15, 2010 at 9:14pm UTC tagged with vent

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