Story Quote #1718233
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ZOE BELL PART 57 He pulled a chair up to me, but I ignored him.


He pulled a chair up to me, but I ignored him. I’d have to build him a dog house or something later so he would understand my anger. He gently brushed his fingers against my arm. I shivered in delight, but I clenched my jaw together and kept my eyes shut.

"I guess I’m just a little jealous of the way you get along so well with Alex. Growing up, I’ve always wished I had a friend like you. You two are always there for each other. You even told me this morning that you give each other massages. I’m sorry for the way I acted, I’m just a little stressed out right now."

I broke down and opened my eyes. He was warily looking down at his hands, loosely linked together, and my anger ran away for another day, or minute, who knew?

I put my hand in-between the two of his, "I’m sorry if I’m too comfortable with Alex. I’ll work on tuning that comfort to you, but you do have a bestfriend like he does. I’m your new best friend, okay?"

He nodded but still seemed upset about something. "What’s wrong?"

He shrugged. "I just feel like a five year old when I whine and complain like this."

"It’s okay, Mase. I do it all the time."

"Yeah, but I’ve always been jealous of Alex. He always hung out with you, he always talked to you, I just don’t understand how I was never in his place!" he was gripping my hand now, and I had to keep myself from pulling away.

"Because you never tried to? Why does it matter? You have me now. Now him. You heard him say that he’s never thought of me like that."

"But you have."

I paused. "What girl doesn’t wish she could date her best guy friend?" I gave up on him awhile ago so I didn’t ruin our friendship. Do you not understand that you’re the one I want now? Last time I checked, you wanted up to be soul mates, right?" He nodded. "I’m not going anywhere. I promise."

"I’m your best friend?"

"Unless I need someone to complain to about you, then it’s most likely going to be Abbie."

"I can deal with that."

He knelt down in front of me and hugged my stomach. I held his head to my chest and let him hold me tightly for whatever reassurance he needed right now.

"Should we go finish our movies?" I asked.

He shook his head and pulled me to my feet. "I’m going to take you out for the weekend. Well, what’s left of it. Will you mind missing school on Monday?"

"No, but where will you be taking me?"

"My grandparents have a cabin on Kolob Mountain. Do you want to go ‘camping’ with me?"

Away with Mason in the wilderness for a couple of days? That sounded absolutely amazing! "I’d love to!" He picked me up and carried me to my room where he told me to pack my bag and he would be back in thirty minutes to pick me up so we could get there before it got all the way dark.

Part of me wondered, as I packed clothes and makeup into a travel bag, if he was getting me out of town because of what that Adrian guy said about me. How serious was that threat? Should I be worried about it? I had so many questions, and I really wanted to know about what happened this morning when he left me alone with Alex and all the other girlfriends.

Alex and Zane came into my room and watched as I packed. "May I help you?" They shook their heads. Whatever.

"You lied to me, you know." I told Alex.

"I don’t believe I did madame."

I tossed a book at him. Now that I knew I couldn’t hurt them, I could have the satisfaction of throwing whatever I wanted in my reach. He caught it right before it hit him in the face and smirked at me.

"He was upset about me and you, and you knew it. Didn’t you?"

"Nope. Like Zaney here said, he doesn’t know how to control his PMS."

"Abbie and Cliff are going with you guys, just so you know." Zane said, trying to change the subject. A small part of me died, knowing we wouldn’t be completely alone, but then I cheered up because Abbie and I needed some time together!

"You idiot!" Alex punched Zane’s arm. "That was supposed to be a surprise!"

"I’ll act surprised, stop hitting my little brother."

I called my mom and told her what I was doing. She didn’t mind, because Mason already called her and asked permission for me to go! What a sweetheart! She told me to leave money for Zane, and to have a fun weekend.

Zane and Alex were going to chill at Alex’s place, but I still gave him the money my mom left earlier. Mason’s truck pulled up outside with a trailer attached that held two four wheelers, and two canoes. Boy I couldn’t wait for th is adventure!

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posted August 4, 2010 at 12:23pm UTC tagged with story

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