Advice Quote #1897313
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i need advice someone please help me

i need advice someone please help me


jazstarr 1 decade ago
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well the answer is obvious but the guy who wrote the message,we barely talk like we'll hang out then not talk for a few days, the guy im dating is really sweet to me and everythings perfect with him he knows i still have feelings for this guy but he says" well i have you but if you dont wanna date thats up to you , i love you and no matter what you choose ill always love you" so idk i get along with my boyfriends family his mom is always asking me to come stay with them , and the other day the guy who wrote that to me well his dad flipped for me being over there
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notime4stopsigns 1 decade ago
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sorry but thats something you need to figure out yourself. the answer is pretty obvious.
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jazstarr 1 decade ago
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i just posted it , i dont know what to do , im in love with a guy i dated in 7th grade he was my first kiss and then he went to highschool now im a junior i have a boyfriend but all i do is think about the other guy
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lilmadz27 1 decade ago
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what do you need advice on/??
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posted October 3, 2010 at 1:43pm UTC tagged with advice

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