Break Up Quote #1973621
all quotes · break up ·

He breaks up with her. He asks me out. I say yes. I break up

He breaks up with her.
He asks me out.
I say yes.
I break up with him.
I regret it.
He wishes it hadn't ended.
I want to go back out.
He already have a new girlfriend.
I still  got heart broken..and he didn't break up with me..
I'm an IDIOT.


autumnunderground 1 decade ago
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you aren't the idiot. He is. For going out with another girl who I bet isn't half as pretty as you are.
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OHxSnAp_tAyLoRsXoN 1 decade ago
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the SAME EXACT thing happened to me, leigt. And you feel like you made the biggest mistake ever, right? It sucks. But i know EXACLT how you feel <3
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posted October 27, 2010 at 6:47pm UTC tagged with break up

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