Story Quote #2036142
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Remembrance Of Forever. Part:1 "It's getting late,

Remembrance Of Forever.

"It's getting late, I should go",Allie said.
''Alrighty, I'll see you tomorrow mmkayy",Macie said as she got up to go hug Allie.

        It was elevenish at night. Allie walked outside to the cool breezy night. She took her normal way home from Macie's house,but something was,different. She felt like she was being followed. She turned around quickly,but she didn't see anyone,or anything. She continued walking,but she quickened her pace a little. Alliee just wanted to get home,to be safe,unharmed. Just then she saw something out of the corner of her eye. Allie saw a shadow disappear behind a tree near the park she was walking by. She was running now. Heart racing. Breathing Oh So very heavily.


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posted November 12, 2010 at 5:07pm UTC tagged with story

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