Funny Quote #2079899
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User: Hello there are you humann. Cleverbot: How do you know

User: Hello there are you humann.

Cleverbot: How do you know that I am human?

User: I am asking if you are.

Cleverbot: That's not my name.

User: I knwo all I am asking is if you are a fricken human.

Cleverbot: Are you having trouble communicating, cleverbo?

User: I am not a robot.

Cleverbot: Yes, you are. It says right there: 'visitors never talk to a human, however convincing it is'.

User: I am a human I swear.

Cleverbot: Just because you wish it does not make it so. Have you seen the movie I, Robot?

User: I swear I am human.


TallieAteYou 1 decade ago
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purplerox2010 1 decade ago
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what the hells a clever bot?
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posted November 22, 2010 at 8:24pm UTC tagged with funny

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