Inspirational Quote #2162668
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Don't You Ever Miss Those Days When; You would draw pictures

Don't You Ever Miss Those Days
 You would draw pictures on foggy windows
You wore footy pj's
You thought Dora actually heard you when you answered her questions
When you hung out with friends it was called a "playdate" 
You had theme birthday parties
You still believed in Santa and the Tooth Fairy
You thought periods were only things that came after sentences
You had a guy friend and suddenly your mom starts calling him your "boyfriend"
You thought 11:11 was just a time
You wore your mom's high heels around the house
You wanted to be just like your mom when you grew up
You KNEW Ken and Barbie were meant to be
You could recite any Barney song by heart
You couldn't wait to grow up

Don't You Ever Miss Being A Kid?


minee; no jocking pleasee(:


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posted December 12, 2010 at 12:20am UTC tagged with inspirational

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