Story Quote #2261613
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Destructive: Chapter Five ♥ I wiped away my tears quickly,

Destructive: Chapter Five ♥
                I wiped away my tears quickly, but I knew my makeup was probably smudged. So, I kept my hood up and quietly crept into the classroom while the teacher took attendance. “Late on the first day, are we Miss. Evans?” the teacher sniffed. “Umm, sorry Mrs. Jan,” I apologized as I hurried over to an empty seat in the back. She looked at me, her eyes stern, “Don’t let it happen again,” she said.  I sighed, and unpacked my books while the teacher continued to call out names. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed someone watching me. I turned my head, and saw a boy named Vincent who I recognized from Taylor’s football team. He had deep brown eyes, almost black, so I couldn’t see his pupil. His hair was buzzed short, and it looked blonde from what I could see under his baseball cap. I was about to say something to him, when I noticed that he wasn’t staring at me. I followed his gaze to the left of me, and noticed he was staring at Francesca. His eyes looked soft, and he was slumped in his seat. I could tell just from the way he was gazing at her that he loved her. It was weird to watch him though, because something about him seemed really familiar. It was almost… eerie. Uncomfortable, I looked away, but I still could still see his face ingrained clearly in my mind.
            I spent most of the morning avoiding Francesca… But unfortunately, wherever Francesca was, so was Taylor. The fact that I couldn’t get him alone was exasperating, since we’d barely ever spent a day apart. Luckily, we both had fifth lunch, and Francesca had sixth. As I walked into the crowded cafeteria, I noticed Taylor sitting at a table alone. He looked up from his cell phone suddenly, and spotted me. I smiled, waved, and skipped out to him happily. Taylor smiled back, stood up, opened his arms up wide, and hugged me tight. “Jane, where have you been all day?” He asked puzzled, his lips on my hair. I breathed in deep, and hugged him tighter, ignoring his question. “Avoiding you!” I joked, trying to cover up my disappointment… because, indirectly, I was avoiding him by avoiding Francesca. But nevertheless, he laughed along with me, and sat down. There were two trays of food in front of him, and he pushed the other over to me as he took my backpack and set it down between us on the bench. We ate, laughed together, and enjoyed each other’s company… And suddenly I realized it. The look I’d seen in Vincent’s eyes when he looked at Francesca was the same way I looked at Taylor. 
            The moment I realized this, I knew it would be a rough year. Having to deal with Francesca was bad enough, not to mention the fact that Taylor probably thinks of me as his sister. There’s no way he could possibly feel this way about me too. “Jay? Hello, earth to Jane.” he called, interrupting my thoughts. I blinked, trying to come back to reality. Taylor looked worried. He was patting me on the hand, and holding my other one. “Oh, I’m sorry, Taylor!” I apologized, “I just spaced out…” He was still staring at me, but he let go of my hands and put his arm around me. “Classic Jane,” He said, laughing. “Listen, honey... I kind of have to talk to you about something important stuff. How ‘bout you meet me at our spot tonight? Say, seven o’ clock?” Taylor stood up, started gathering up his books, slung his backpack over his shoulder, and held out his hand to me. “Sure, that would be fun,” I said, smiling, and happily took his hand.

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posted January 1, 2011 at 10:43pm UTC tagged with story

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