Friendship Quote #2401207
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Day 1 / Letter 1 : Your Best Friend Dear Kelli, We've only

Day 1 / Letter 1 : Your Best Friend
           Dear Kelli, 

We've only been friends for about 3 years, but we know so  much about each other. You've helped me through hard times. We've laughed together, cried together, and have had countless numbers of stupid(and serious) fights together. You are pretty much like a sister to me. I'm so glad that we got over our JJO(SSBO!) :) Hahaha. Thanks for listening to me complain and for helping me with my problems. You really mean a lot to me. I love our insiders!: Big Comfy Couch, Kiki's Delivery Service, pasta obsession, All About Steve, and soooooooooooooooo much more. I LOVE YOU!
                                                                                                        Love, Maddie :)


mad_krazy 1 decade ago
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ohhh yesss i love our "relationship"! :)
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gspdc4dance 1 decade ago
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Wuv you too :) This made me smile! Thanks babe! Hahah, gotta love our friendship(:
-- Kelli
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posted February 2, 2011 at 2:02pm UTC tagged with friendship

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