Love Quote #249191
all quotes · love ·

have you ever gotten the feeling that ur boyfriend likes another

have you ever gotten the feeling that ur boyfriend likes another girl?
if u have i no how you feel!  cuz i thought the same thing! but i was wrong!
now how would i no this? because i knew i was the only girl for him!
and ya...all the things he told me all the things in his profile on AIM could have been a lie, but i no that deep down he does feel that way about me and always will! and my friends have also told me that they like my boyfriend and im like ok...w/e! but the hard part is when my friends flirt with my boyfriend right in front of me! and i want to go up to them and say "could u just like BACK OFF!" but i dont want to be mean about it like they cant talk to him! and if we do go far in this relationship then eventually i will have to tell them to stop flirting with hard as that might sound! anyway, w/e...cuz im only in 6th grade and i have plenty of time for boyfriends! but the sad part is in 6th grade its not about who stole your pencil anymore, its about who stole your boyfriend! ridiculous...i no!

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posted July 20, 2008 at 4:34am UTC tagged with love