Love Quote #2515860
all quotes · love ·

one year ago, I was in a two year, on going relationship. he

one year ago, I was in a two year, on going relationship.
he cheated, things happened, and we ended.

I'm a senior in high school now
with an incredible boyfriend that I don't deserve;
and that cares about me more than anyone I know.

my ex has tried to fix things and start over
but I've learned to respect myself. 

Long story short, we are on "good terms,"
But I know that all he still wants is one more chance.

and you're probably not reading anymore
or at least wondering, what's my point?
my ex boyfriend , two days ago, got a tattoo.
and now you're thinking, okay.. so?
what is the tattoo?
across the top of his back are the words
"never regret something that once made you smile"
what do I have to say to that?
a whole lot.
but that's where my point is getting to.
No matter where you are, how mad you are, or how swollen your eyes are -
never give up on something,
you can't go a day without thinking about.
But remember your self respect, girls.

y o u ' r e  b e t t e r  t h a n  t h a t .


xoGAMERCHICKx3 1 decade ago
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I love you for writing this. This is incredible. I always want to give up on love but there's a little unbreakable string that cannot ever let me let go.
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supergirlxoxo 1 decade ago
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I was about to cry and then I read this and I'm okay now. Thanks:')
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softballxbaby2 1 decade ago
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I love this, and I needed it. <3
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504 Wittians like this



posted March 3, 2011 at 5:35pm UTC tagged with love

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