Story Quote #2540577
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Defying Gravity Haylie; My heart was beating a mile per minute,

Defying Gravity

    My heart was beating a mile per minute, my throat felt rounded up, my eyes were blurred by tears & my mind was about to explode anytime soon now.    
    And so it did, along with the floodgates.    
    In a matter of seconds, just from the shock & happiness of the situation, tears welling in my eyes had already began pouring down my cheeks, sloping down my chin & finally dripping onto the duvet on top of me. I looked down, afraid of seeing his reaction after I had let him down. A huge fan like me can only keep such overwhelming emotions inside for so long.    
    My sight was so blurred at the moment, I hadn't even acknowledged that Justin's mother, Pattie was standing behind Justin as she made a motion for Justin to move forward.   
    And without a second thought, he did.
    That's where all the emotions I've kept inside of me suddenly took control, like a river starting to flood - when he took those two warm arms of his and wrapped them around me. Gently enough to give me space but tight enough to assure me that he was there; as he gently pushed me against his toned chest.
    "It's going to be alright," He whispered over my sobs, gently rubbing circles on one of my hands & rubbing my back while I heard Pattie's footsteps in the distance; most likely leaving the room to give us space. Then, - and I am not joking - he started to sing, for me, one of the songs I'd always listen to when I could feel my heart breaking. "It's a big, big world, it's easy to get lost in it." His angelic voice rang in the room, only making my sobs grow as it always did. Because I guess that was what I did, I got lost in this big world.    
    His voice cracked slightly, as if this were actually affecting him just as much as it were to me. "You've always been my girl, oh & I'm not ready to call it quits."    
    He pulled away from the hug gently, at a distance where we could see each other closely. He pulled my chin up, wiped away my tears and looked at me with so much intensity it was as if he was looking underneath all the scars and suicidal thoughts but deep into my soul.    
    "We can make the sun shine in the moonlight, we can turn the grey clouds into blue skies. I know it's hard, but baby believe me." He continued.
  Whenever I burst into tears, all people have ever done was either looked at me like I was a lost puppy dog, laughed and made a funny remark or even yelled at me disapprovingly. But not once has anyone ever held me & told me that things were going to be okay - because really, that was all a lonely girl like me ever needed.
  "Baby we can go nowhere but up, from here, my dear..." His voice barely a whisper.
 Slowly, I felt the weight of my tired eyes begin to take over and before I knew it, I suddenly found myself drifting off to sleep, with Justin's angelic voice serenading me. Never have I ever felt so comfortable & safe in someone's arms in my entire life. Being held by him, out of the seven millions of other more important fans there were, I realized then & there that there really was hope at the end of the day.

Chapter 5
Aww Isnt Justin Such An Effing Sweetie Pie(; 

1 Comment

nothingwithoutyou_x 1 decade ago
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Ahhw this is like ahmasing. I love love love this, moree pleaseee.(:
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posted March 10, 2011 at 8:16pm UTC tagged with story

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