Break Up Quote #2622413
all quotes · break up ·

honestly, i'm sick. no, not the sick like the flu or a cold.

honestly, i'm sick.
no, not the sick like the flu or a cold. i'm sick of people and their advice.
people always tell me "he was just another boy. someone better will be along soon.
i just know you'll find someone
." or the classic "there's other fish in the sea, he
doesn't know what he's missing
." but he does. no one understands
how i feel. how
every night i die a little more inside because we don't talk anymore. how the thought of him
ever leaving my life and forgetting all about me, makes me burst into tears. how seeing him every
single day all week, makes me want to pull my hair out. no one understands that
i'm desperately in
love with someone who doesn't want me back


syddxbella 1 decade ago
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i know EXACTLY how you feeel, it's actually kinda of sicking how much i can relate to you, it's soo hard so msg me whenever maybe we'll make it through together
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princesspanda 1 decade ago
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hey girls i have been there and when i finally moved on i got stuck there again although it is different i am 17 and have had 2 boyfriends not because people havent asked me out but because after the first one i couldnt move on dont let anyone give you advice although they may have been through breakups before they havent been through your breakup even if they have broken up with the same guy or a similar situation they have never been exactly where you are eventually one of two things will happen you will move on or he will realise you are perfect for him. if you move on before you are ready you will never really get over him and that would be a shame
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dancer0987654321 1 decade ago
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i love thiss .. i understand 100000 and 1 % I'm in the same situation.. i just can't forget and move on because i really can't find someone better. i tried finding someone else, but i just kept thinking of him. /: it stinks, i'm here for youu if you need somethingg ♥
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xxsaraxx 1 decade ago
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i absolutely love this. i'm in the same situation.
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itsjaynai 1 decade ago
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my advice to you would be dont move on..cause i know you cant. just - Miss Them. And Drop it. (: hope i helped.
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itsjaynai 1 decade ago
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i i'm not gonna give you advice to move on cause im in the same situation. and its sad cause the truth is...yeahh theres more guys out there buhh i dont want any other fish. i want that particular onee. <33 My advice to you would be cherish that you found someone you can send your lovee too. and all you can do is MISS THEM. AND DROP IT. (: hope i helped.
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Chlohoey 1 decade ago
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I feel the same exact way...If you ever need to talk, I'm here for you.
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posted March 31, 2011 at 1:51pm UTC tagged with break up

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