Break Up Quote #2695135
all quotes · break up ·

It's been so long, so long sense I've last thought about

It's been so long,
so long sense I've last thought about you.
Sometimes it hits me hard, remembering all the memories we had with each other.
I wonder if you ever look at me and remember that time we danced with no music playing,
or remember the time we laid in the road making shapes out of clouds and looking at the stars,
or remember when we would race each other down the street and you would let me win,
or remember the time we sat there in the snow just holding each other,
or remember the times when we would always meet at the end of the street and just talk.
I wonder if you ever think back to the old us and remember what we had.

Does is ever hit you?

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posted April 15, 2011 at 11:07am UTC tagged with break up

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