Funny Quote #2706057
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We just found out that the my Aunt's baby, that I take care

We just found out that the my Aunt's baby, that I take care of, has a very serious allergy.
boyfriend and I were feeding Jade her and she seemed ok, but then an hour or so later she started to sweat ferociously. Her face got puffy and she started coughing. We had to rush her to the E.R. We later found out that Jade had a allergy to all things with corn syrup in them.
Poor Jade she couldn't breathe and
almost died...



xxskinchild521xx 1 decade ago
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Because my boyfriend was making alot of jokes in the er in an effort to cheer me up so i wanted to remember them by putting this under funny
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Junebug77 1 decade ago
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anybody want to tell me why this is funny?
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4 Wittians like this



posted April 17, 2011 at 3:41pm UTC tagged with funny

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