Break Up Quote #2778211
all quotes · break up ·

---------------------------------- I hate it when I get my hopes


I hate it when I get my hopes up, just to have them be
C R U S H E D...




LoudLaugher 1 decade ago
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EXACTLY how I feel right now
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IWillBeYourHero 1 decade ago
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EXACTLY. STORY OF MY LIFE RIGHT THERE. It happened today, I'm just so sick of it. It's almost easier to just pretend to not care, then it doesn't hurt as much when your hopes get up. And then get crushed.
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xoxLoveStoryxox 1 decade ago
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Haha, says it ALL. And it's never just a little crushed~ness, everything has to come crush your hopes and then do a little dance on top of them ;/
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posted April 28, 2011 at 5:05pm UTC tagged with break up

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