Vent Quote #3002394
all quotes · vent ·

I'm not gonna make this pretty, because what I have to say

I'm not gonna make this pretty,
because what I have to say isn't pretty either,
just need to get it out.

Today, a girl will walk up to my boyfriend to tell him how she feels. I know this, because a friend told him, and he told me. I met this girl last Wednesday, at a dinner from my BF's school. I wasn't really supposed to be there, but I was. Later, I heard that the girl came close to crying when she saw me at his side.

I'm sorry.

This Wednesday, my BF and I have been together for 13 months. We've been through a lot together. I've been so sick I had to stay in a hospital, got kicked out of the house and have lived with my BF ever since. That's over 6 months ago.

I know how it feels to be in love with someone you can't have. To be in love with him. But now, I'm on the other side of the story. To this girl, I'm her, the girl who shattered her dream. What she doesn't realise though, is by the time she met my BF, we were already dating for 6 months.

She knows he has a girlfriend, after all, she met me last week. She knows that I live with him, but still..

I'm sorry for you're broken heart.
I'm sorry I met him first.
I'm sorry I made you cry.
I'm sorry for everything you have to go through now.
I know how you feel, but you have no idea how sorry I am.

I hope you won't hurt as much as I did..
And maybe, just maybe, I'll get to talk to you someday.
If there's anyone in this world who know how you feel,
it's me.

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posted June 6, 2011 at 5:24am UTC tagged with vent

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