Story Quote #3307409
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Cloudy with a Chance of Death Sadie's POV: Michael stared

Cloudy with a Chance of Death
Sadie's POV:

Michael stared at us for what seemed like forever before inhaling deeply.
"Tara ... isn't the type of girl to stick with one guy at a time."

We all nodded, not looking away from Chelsie, after she claimed she
was okay, and hadn't been hurt, she dozed off quietly into a safe slumber.

"That doesn't explain things, Michael." Mercy spat.

Michael looked down at his feet, obviously ashamed of something he'd done. I felt
scared just looking at him, but he looked so sad at the same time. "I loved Tara.
I would do anything for her." And as if that was some sort of trigger, he burst out
in tears like a time bomb.

We were all confused for a second, and sat there quietly until Michael grew
some balls and continued. "I found out who owned the Hot List for Tara,
and then she started paying her way to Number One. After her third
payment, the Hot List owners got tired of Tara and decided they didn't need
her money. Everything went out of control, and Tara was so sad, and she made
me do it. She made me."

"Tara can't make you do anything, Michael. She's dead." Sydney whispered,
as if not believing the word herself.

"I know. I know she can't. But I just..I couldn't control myself."

"Michael, what did you do?" I demanded.

"I killed them, okay! I killed the Hot List owners. I did it tonight, and found Chelsie! I
brought her here and ... and I don't want to be arrested! I don't want to be a

The only word to describe this, was - fuckk.


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posted July 17, 2011 at 6:02pm UTC tagged with story

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