Love Quote #3606936
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The other day my neighbor's dog died. My dog and her were

The other day my neighbor's dog



My dog and her were best friends.  They use to run around our yards

chasing each other.  Two days ago while they were getting there back

yard done, a truck ran over her.  The dad helplessly watched it

happen. About two hours after it happened, he showed up at our door

and said,

"I am going to break down before I can finish telling you this story.  

We lost Hershey today while one of the trucks were backing up.  I

saw it happen and I knew there was no chance of her living after

I saw it. I'm telling you this because of Hershey and Tally's

relationship."Tears went rolling down his cheek.  Then I realized I

was crying too. They have twins in my grade  The next day we were

suppose to start high school.  I thought they weren't going to go but

right when I walked in there they were.  Looking them in the eyes

was on of the hardest things to do.  I was one of the only people who

really knew what they were going through.  I have so much respect

for them now.

If you are still reading this thank you.  RIP Hershey♥ 

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posted August 20, 2011 at 11:38am UTC tagged with love

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