Story Quote #3732368
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Hypnotized Chapter 2 When they got there, Lea noticed the huge

Chapter 2
When they got there, Lea noticed the huge field on the side of the house, and an apartment complex behind it with a huge parking lot.
“Okay, boundaries. Tony’s house to that street. (He pointed down to the street next to his.) Then, to the field where it’s gated, to the end of the parking lot. Teams: Me, Lea, Sam, and Tony, Drew, and Rebecca.” Kyle said.
“Works for me.” Tony said smiling at Rebecca.
“Can we play now?” Lea said not being patient.
“Fine, we’ll hide first.” Kyle said and everybody ran.
“Kyle, can you help me find a spot? I don’t know this neighborhood at all.” Lea said.
“Yeah, follow me.” Kyle replied
He led her behind a bush, and they sat there in silence. Drew came around the house to the field. Kyle held his breath and covered Lea’s mouth. Drew started walking behind the house to the parking lot. Kyle peeked through the push and looked around. He took his hand off Lea’s mouth.
“I’m going to merk.” He said.
“What?!” Lea replied.
“Just watch and do the same thing I do.”
He jumped out of the bush, did a tuck-and-roll, and ran to the porch which was base. Lea just stared then got out from behind the bush and ran. When she got to the porch Kyle was sitting there, looking at her with vacant eyes. Lea just sat down and retied her shoes.
“You didn’t merk.” Kyle said after a long pause.
“I didn’t want to fall. I don’t have those kinds of skills.”
“Whatever.” he said and dropped the subject.
Lea and him sat there for another few minutes and started to wonder where everybody was. Lea just stood up and looked around the front yard and on the side. Just then Sam ran up with Drew not far behind. Now where are Tony and Rebecca? Lea got out her phone and called her sister. Her sister answered after 4 rings.
“We’re all here except you and Tony.”
“Okay we’ll come back.”
She hung-up. They sat around and just talked until they finally came back. Lea didn’t feel like playing anymore because her team would keep winning. She pulled Kyle aside.
“This is boring.”
“I know, Tony just wants to get with your sister.”
“Ew. Whatever, can I call Liz and Michaela? I’m sure Sam and Drew would be happy about that.”
“Yeah sure, maybe then we won’t keep winning. Let’s walk around until they come.”

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posted September 1, 2011 at 12:42pm UTC tagged with story

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