Funny Quote #3809372
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be happy in your own skin. I mean think about it; thin people

  be happy in your own skin.
I mean think about it;
thin people are pretty
chubby people are adorable.


donutking 1 decade ago
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The person that did this quote is my sister, good job!
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Beautifulheartmindbody 1 decade ago
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How come no one can make a quote like this without a bunch of self-obssessed skinny girls trying to start drama? FOR HEAVENS SAKE SHE CALLED YOU PRETTY
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neoncolorsxx 1 decade ago
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i knoow, she said thin people are PRETTY. i thouughht pretty was a complimennt, but i guess you girrls would rather be called ugly or something? that's kool. buut i love this quote! screw the haters(=
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elizabethmariexo 1 decade ago
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I'm not saying anyone is ugly I'm saying everyone is beautiful. Thin people are beautiful, and chubby people are beautiful, I just worded it diffrently.. People calm down..
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sk8trgrlxx3 1 decade ago
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you guys on witty are seriously so stupid.. like who was the first person to comment on this and say that this innocent girl called them not pretty or insulted them in any way? Because the first person to say something ridiculous like that is obviously trying to start drama, which is what we're here to get away from. so stop giving this girl crap..she was just trying to make everyone feel good, but this quote was aimed more towards chubbier people. so what ? wittiers make me shake my head sometimes. what has it come to ? really . this is absolutely ridiculous. you should all be freaking ashamed. kbye.
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CourtneyAndCo 1 decade ago
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Guys, just shut up. IT DOESN'T MATTER.
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behind_these_blue_eyes 1 decade ago
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Okay, I'm not hating on this quote, but I just wanted to say something to the people who are saying skinny people never get made fun of. I'm 14 and I weigh 90 lbs. and I know I'm skinny. And I actually do get on sometimes. I'll get called anorexic or gross or disgusting. And I don't want anyone to say "Well, gaining weight is easier than losing it." I hear it all the time and the truth is I tried to gain weight for months and the next time I weighed myself I was 5 lbs. less. Sorry for this huge comment but that kind of annoyed me when I saw someone say they've never seen a skinny person get made fun of. And I also apologize for any typos or errors in this I really don't wanna go back and read it, haha
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peace_love_and_rainbows 1 decade ago
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ok since when do u have to b thin to b pretty? u can b chubby and pretty!
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shortiee63 1 decade ago
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Thank you for actually making both sides feel good (:
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lisac517 1 decade ago
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so yeah, this is kinda my format.
im not freakin out about it, just saying
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mumblebumble 1 decade ago
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loveyualways; i'm sorry, but she said skinny girls are pretty which is a compliment, and that makes you feel like crap? really?
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exeprimentaljen 1 decade ago
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Pretty is a compliment. Adorable is compliment. They are the SAME, this is saying that no matter how you look you're beautiful, and should be complimented. Do you not realize that pretty = cute. Adorable = cute. Okay? Now all these "skinny" people need to STOP commenting saying shes being horrible to you. How the heck is she being horrible? Shes complementing EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU, so stop saying your upset about her calling you pretty. When someone calls you pretty in real life you dont get annoyed. So why the hell do you on witty?
Everyone is beautiful ♥
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UnLogicalLogic 1 decade ago
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Since when was "pretty" an insult people?
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LegallyBlonde24 1 decade ago
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Wooo...Did you think of that yourself?
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bananadrianna 1 decade ago
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people.. she didnt say anyone is ugly. shes saying EVERYONE is beautiful. she just tried to word it in a cute way. adorable is a compliment. and pretty is a compliment. you are all beautiful.
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paigiegurl 1 decade ago
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She said thin people where pretty. She did say they were ugly or gross. CALM THE DOWN.
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jennk123 1 decade ago
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dont be mean to skinnny people, they did nothannng...
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pending* 1 decade ago
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loveyualways: Again, she didn't say "skinny" girls were ugly or hideous, she called them *pretty* which *is* a compliment.
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loveyualways 1 decade ago
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i know what you were trying to say.. your trying to make the "thicker" girls feel better.. but it makes us skinny girls feel like crap. i can never find anything i look good in. i never feel confifent. seeing stuff like this hurts. just like it would if it were flipped around. people would just make a bigger deal out of it
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pending* 1 decade ago
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Jeez people, she just said that "thin people are pretty" she didn't call them ugly. Besides, chubby/fat kids get tortured by people daily, I've never seen anyone "skinny" (your own words not mine) get made fun of. I've seen people say that they think anyone that isn't skinny should be lined up and shot. Yet everyone gets their panties in a twist because someone said thin people are pretty and not adorable? It's just something to make people that aren't the ideal weight feel better about themselves, get over it.
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1184 Wittians like this



posted September 10, 2011 at 12:38pm UTC tagged with funny

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